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Automate Xodox CRM with Zapier

Our Zapier Module offers a seamless connection service for Xodox CRM installations, enabling integration with over 7,000+ applications. From straightforward integrations to complex workflows, Zapier opens up a world of automation possibilities for your business.

Unlimited Integrations

With the Zapier Module, you can

Automate Workflows
Integrate Xodox CRM with 7,000+ apps on Zapier, including accounting, project management, and email marketing tools. Eliminate manual data entry and synchronize data across platforms.
Extend Functionality
Enhance Xodox CRM by connecting with services like geolocation, SMS notifications, payment gateways, and more, creating a tailored experience for your business needs.
Improve Efficiency
Ensure seamless data flow between Xodox CRM and other tools, reducing errors and boosting operational efficiency.
Foster Collaboration
Integrate with collaboration tools to sync task progress, share CRM data, and centralize operations.
Drive Business Growth
Leverage unified integrations to make data-driven decisions, deliver exceptional customer experiences, and enhance productivity.

Features of Zapier Module

Available Triggers
  • New Proposal: Triggers when a new proposal is added.
  • New Invoice: Triggers when a new invoice is created.
  • New Customer: Triggers when a new customer is added.
  • New Estimate: Triggers when a new estimate is created.
  • New Payment: Triggers when a payment is recorded.
  • New Contract: Triggers when a contract is created.
  • New Ticket: Triggers when a ticket is raised.
  • New Lead: Triggers when a lead is added.
  • New Project: Triggers when a project is initiated.
  • New Task: Triggers when a task is created.
Available Actions
  • Create Lead: Create a new lead in Xodox CRM.
  • Create Proposal: Generate a new proposal.
  • Create Invoice: Add a new invoice.
  • Create Customer: Add a new customer.
  • Create Contract: Add a new contract.
  • Create Ticket: Raise a new ticket.
  • Create Task: Add a new task.
  • Create Project: Initiate a new project.
  • Create Timesheet: Add a new timesheet.
  • Find Customer: Search for an existing customer.

Built-in REST API

The module includes an optional REST API, allowing custom, programmatic code snippets. While custom code support is outside the scope, the Xodox CRM API Documentation provides all necessary details for developers.

Why Choose Zapier Module for Xodox CRM?

How It Works

Select the app you want to integrate with Xodox CRM.

Configure triggers or actions from the available options.

Automate workflows to enhance business operations.

Simple Pricing, Powerful and Unlimited Features

Go Monthly
Xodox CRM Features
Minimum 2 Users required
Contact Management
Sales Automation
Project Management
Task Management
Marketing Automation
Reports & Analytics
Web Forms
24/7 Support
Most Popular
Go Annually
Xodox CRM Features
Minimum 2 Users required
Contact Management
Sales Automation
Project Management
Task Management
Marketing Automation
Reports & Analytics
Web Forms
24/7 Support

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Unlock Limitless Automation Today!
Streamline your processes, enhance efficiency, and empower your team with the Zapier Module for Xodox CRM.